Monday, August 30, 2010

Summer of Fun

Life is never what I expect and sometimes really what I want, but it is what it is and it is exactly what I need.

Friday, August 27, 2010

New Adventures

I had not posted in awhile, so I wanted to post some recent pics of the house. I finally was able to finish the painting of the kitchen and dining room. I am very delighted in the outcome of the walls. I truly am inspired to create when I am in the kitchen. Though we have not yet finish, we are getting there. We have decided to place wainscoting on the bottom half of the walls in the dining room. I think it will really give off a rustic ,vintage look to it. We still are planning for new flooring, but we can not find or decide on anything. I have realized that shopping for home decor/flooring/wall is a true test on a marriage!!! LOL These are not the best pictures, as all I have is my phone for now, but......

Not only have we taken on the project of fixing and renovating the home, but have embarked on a new journey.......Homeschool!!

I have never been more scared and excited all rolled into one. We have finished our first week, and I feel pretty confident that this will get better and better with each passing day. Our son is attending a homeschool/shared school. He attends there twice a week and then three days a week he is home for me to teach. We are using the Abeka curriculum and so far so good. I have to say I am very impressed with my critical thinking skills as well as coming up with some great tools for learning. Yesterday was one of our best days so far. We start each day at 7am, getting dressed eating together and getting ready to start the day. Around 7:45, we begin with pledges and bible class as well as a time to just pray for the day and get started on the right foot. (It really does make a HUGE difference). Yesterday, we did math class and was very impressed by how quickly Camden picks up on numbers. I am trying to teach him to memorize the tables and no finger and toe counting, and he really is getting it. We added and subtracted with dominos and pennies and did multiplication with dimes and nickles. By the time science class came around we were tired and ready to be done. We talked about how God created us perfectly and how everything in our bodies is so perfect in form. It reminds me of
Pslams 139: 13-16
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body,
and you knit me together in my mothers womb.
Thanks you for making me so wonderfully complex!
It is amazing to think about.
Your workmanship is marvelous - and how well I know it.
You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion!
You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe.
Every day was recorded in your book.

Anyway, we did some science projects and went over all that we needed to discuss. There is nothing like seeing your child get excited about learning and education. When they want to keep going and not stop..... Made me realize I am doing the right thing for my kids. It was a tough decision, one not taken lightly. Yes, It would have been easier to take him someplace and have someone else teach my son for the next 10 years, but who else is better to teach and love and know my son then me???
There was a moment this morning, when the house was quiet, Camden was doing his work at the table and Brenna was doing some art. The windows were open and the wind was calmly blowing in. I was sitting in the sunlight and looking at my beautiful life. It just feels right. I can't help but be thankful that my children have the opportunity to learn in an encouraging, quiet, peaceful environment. I think about haw last year Camden was one of 300 kids, 25 in his class alone and the noise would make anyone go insane. Thankfully we are in a new place of our lives. I know that we will have good days and bad days, and some days I will just want to throw in the towel and give up, but I have to hold on to what I know is right for my family and trust that God will see us through that situation and moment.