Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunny Days

I have taken a little break from the house and from work and taken some long needed time to myself. Though I have enjoyed not having a time schedule to meet every minute, and my babies little voices around me, I am so very glad to be back in my life and the house I now call home. Now that warmer weather is here, we have begun the hated suburbs wars of who can keep their lawns trim and greener and nicer. We have a long way to go, but have many plans in store. Will be starting my gardening this week. I am planning on having a beautiful vegetable garden. I love to make homemade salsa, so I am excited to make new salsa recipes and having family and friends over to try my creations. Our local farmers market opened this weekend, so I will be doing some shopping next weekend for some plants as well as other homemade items.

My plans are to plant tomatoes, garlic, onions, lettuce, spinach, purple cabbage, bell and other peppers as well as all the needed herbs in my veggie garden. I also have great plans to plant some strawberries, blackberries and grapes. We will also begin.....or should I say my husband will begin the tedious process of power washing and re-staining and sealing our large deck and the kids playground equipment to match. I have hopes of creating these great spaces in each corner of the yard. One for the kids with lots of area to run and the other in a separate corner for a beautiful tree and a fire pit and maybe some log seating for, of course....s'mores nights. The Cherry Blossom tree and the phlox bloomed yesterday. Smells AMAZING!!! The kids enjoyed chalking and climbing the tree in the front. We have had beautiful weather this weekend. Each warm day makes me so excited to fire up the grill, invite people over, taking long walks after dinner and staying up late on the deck , drinking margaritas, with the just the moon to be our light. Oh how I love summer nights

With all my mind can see and all that I can dream up on a daily basis, one thing is for sure, the love that is in the home, the love that has been in this home and the love that will continue is stronger than ever before. As I have said before, each wall of this house has a story, but now I am finding out that with each change of this house, will come new stories. I am excited to see all the changes and hope to make this house even more beautiful from the inside out.

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